The Observer Design Pattern may not be the first thing that comes to mind for many Java coders, but implementing it can improve the scalability of your program. Although my previous articles were about fullstack related issues such as MongoDB…

In this tutorial, we will be building a Jax-RS CRUD (create, read, update, delete) application that works with MongoDB, a popular NoSQL database. Jax-RS is a Java API for creating RESTful web services, making it easy to build web services that can perform CRUD operations on resources. We will be using the latest MongoDB ORM Java driver API to connect our Jax-RS application to a MongoDB database and perform CRUD operations. To follow along with this tutorial, you will need to have Java 8 or higher, Maven 3.6 or higher, and MongoDB 4.7 or higher installed. After setting up our Maven file, we will create a POJO (Plain Old Java Object) for our resource, in this case a "Post" class with fields such as title, content, and author. We will then create a PostService class to handle our CRUD operations, using the MongoDB ORM Java driver to connect to the database and perform the necessary operations.

Introduction On the last years java and javascript have become more closer in their structural syntax. By saying that I of course don’t mean that one can run java from the browser or that javascript became strongly typed and compilable.…
MongoDB offers java programmers a driver to connect to collections through a comfortable to use ORM (Object Relational Mapping). Yet, lots of coders like me took it for granted that it can supply all of their integration needs with this…